Someone said to me recently that everyone is broken. At first, it brought a sense of sadness to my heart. But then I thought about it, and maybe that’s true; perhaps we are all broken. What does that even mean? If you look at a disco ball, isn’t it all broken glass that comes together to make one big, beautiful, shiny ball that makes people want to dance? Why can’t all of our brokenness come together to make something beautiful out of our lives? We all think we are living our own stories in this life. We assume we are the authors of most of it, with God adjusting our paths accordingly for his purposes. But I have realized that it’s His story, and he has already decided what part each of us will play in that story. Our job is to live our lives according to His word and for His purposes, not our own. That is a tall ask in a selfish, self-centered, fallen world.
For we are co-workers in God’s service; you are God’s field, God’s building. 1 Corinthians 3: 9
Around us daily are people God has placed in our lives: our families, co-workers, neighbors, friends, fellow shoppers, drivers, and even the homeless guy we meet on the street. These short or long relationships are in our lives for His purpose, not ours. I met the man pictured with me on the streets of New Orleans outside Lafitte’s Blacksmith Bar on a beautiful, sunshine-filled Saturday afternoon with a “Purple Drank” in my hand. If you know, you know; if you don’t, find out. His name was Fred.
The Lord hears the needy and does not despise his captive people. Psalms 69:33
I was spending the day with a couple of friends whom I cherish beyond what words can say. Unbeknownst to me, one of them would capture this moment on her camera, and as I looked back at this photo, I was embarrassed, mainly because I did not intend for it to be a photo-worthy moment. I knew the story this picture told was much bigger than a prayer. This moment, although captured beautifully, was two broken souls who met and, in a split second, without hesitation, decided we needed to stop and thank God for our lives exactly as they were in that place and time. Fred fell to his knees, and we would hold hands and pray, thanking God for our lives, asking Him to give Fred the strength to carry on and pay it forward in any way that he could and to be with both of us as we keep moving forward in His name. Fred and I have very different lives, but still so much the same. Both are humbled to know that we can’t do it without Him and that everything we have is because of Him. Both are committed to living our best lives. The lives that God has meticulously placed us in. At that moment, Fred and I had an intimate exchange, and something so simple was so powerful at the same time.
He will respond to the prayer of the destitute; he will not despise their plea. Psalms 102: 17
I know I could not have made it this past year without the prayers that have been prayed over me and for me, near and far. I certainly couldn’t have carried on without that powerful force holding me up when I wanted to collapse. Without that powerful force pushing me into the path I needed, I would not have been able to walk this walk that I am walking. Without that powerful force giving me strength when I felt my weakest, I would not have been able to be strong for my family. To know that I’m part of God’s plan and purpose and that His love is never-ending inspires me to love the surrounding people in my life in even more significant ways. Someone once asked me if I thought asking people if you could pray for them was okay. Was it rude to assume they have the same faith as you or would even want a prayer? Although it can seem uncomfortable for some to ask for and accept prayers, it is always okay to ask. Some may say no, and that’s okay, but those who say yes? Flood them with prayers. It takes courage and humility to say yes. Fred was courageous. I will never forget the people who have prayed for me, and I will never forget this moment with Fred when we prayed for each other.
Therefore, confess your sins to each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective. James 5:16
Prayer is that powerful force that takes our brokenness and glues it together. That glue is God. When we contribute to the betterment of others and pray for their health, security, situations, and relationships, we take all the brokenness and make it a beautiful, shiny ball that we will all one day stand beneath and dance the night away. When we discover we are in the larger narrative of God’s story, that we are part of God’s story, then and only then can we understand our life as He has laid it out for us. God redeems parts of our paths that seem out of place and works to accomplish salvation even from the unlikeliest places. I pray that each of you comes to know God more as this personal, intimate Savior who sees you, meets you where you are, and invites you into a loving relationship with Him.
Praise be to the Lord, to God our Savior, who daily bears our burdens. Psalms 68:19
As we move into this week of Thanksgiving, look at where you are today in this part of His story and be Thankful. Maybe it is not as you think it should be, but having the faith to know that it is where God has placed you and where He needs you to be. Then Pray for the Spirit of God to activate that faith so that it may remove any doubt about your life and your path. I will pray for you. I will pray with you.
Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus. 1 Thessalonians 5: 18
In this moment that was captured, I wanted Fred to realize HE was a part of God’s story. And by sharing it with you, I want you to know that YOU are part of God’s story. If you are ever struggling, please know there is always a seat at my dining room table, where you will find an espresso martini, a few tears, maybe some sarcasm, and lots of Jesus. Together with faith and prayer, we can figure it all out. Please never hesitate to reach out if a need arises. Until then, see you next month.
Much Love and Blessings,
I’m happy to be a walking disco ball, Kim, and even happier to call you friend.
Yes 🙏🏻 and love you more.