Before this year comes to a close, I want to express my gratitude to a list of people: my family, both chosen and biological; those who healed my broken heart, even though they weren’t the ones who caused it; those who patiently listened as I revisited the same situation until I found healing; those who encouraged me; those who stood by me when I needed them most; those who loved me from afar; those who prayed for me; those I grew closer to; ... Read the Post...
Grace, My Ex Husband and The 18th Hole
Two years ago, after devoting the last 30 years of my life to being the most supportive wife and the best mother to three amazing boys I could be, I sat in the demolition of all that I knew to be real and wondered how I would pick up the pieces of this life of mine and ever find meaning again. Despite feeling God beside me, the loudness of the unknown prevented me from hearing or seeing His message. I spent the first year working through some of ... Read the Post...
Infidelity, the Elephant, and God
I have always said that anyone can cheat. Yes, it’s true. No matter how great you think your life or relationship is, infidelity can happen to anyone given the right circumstances, time, situation or person. No one's relationship is above it. But when it happens and happens repeatedly, how do you ever learn to trust with your heart again? If you’re going to live your life, you must find a way. When I trusted again, I refused to be a detective. I ... Read the Post...
Number Two
Continuing with April and the month of two for our family, we are celebrating the twins’ twenty-first birthdays this month, but to give each of them their moment, I am writing my second blog about number two. Having kept the twins tightly bonded over the past twenty-one years, I thought that for this special birthday, they would get their spotlight on who they are and who they have become. More importantly, I want to share who they are and how ... Read the Post...
Number Three
So, this month is a month of two for our family. I will write two separate blogs this month. I’ve spent the last twenty-one years keeping my twins bonded, with few things separating them, but this month, I wanted to share who they each are. And because, from the beginning, he has been my patient baby, I will begin with number three. If you know me, are a reader of my blog, or follow me on social media, you know my children are everything about my ... Read the Post...
For me, a home was always about family. I was an only child until the age of fourteen. I longed for a big house full of family; as an adult, I envisioned that for myself. I set out to make that happen, but such is life and God had other plans. Still, what a beautiful life it has been thus far. I have had some lovely places to lay my head down, from the first home I purchased in my early 20s to this last one I would call my dream home. They were ... Read the Post...
I’m typically writing my blog in real-time, sharing what is happening in my life right now and this month was all about the "Birthday Month". I started the "Birthday Month" many years ago as more of a tongue-in-cheek month. Let’s face it: most of us think, “Really, do you need an entire month to celebrate your birthday?” Cue the eye rolls. But I have always been so grateful for every moment I’m blessed to be here, so why not celebrate the entire ... Read the Post...
Number One…
As a little girl, I just loved babies. I was an only child until about 14 when my sister was born, and I would also have an additional three step sisters. But I dreamed of having a big family for myself. The thought of a house full of chaos was exciting and fun to me. I would respond with the number five whenever someone asked me how many children I wanted. My parents divorced when I was about 11 years old, and I remember thinking to myself, I ... Read the Post...
Reflecting… Moving Forward
What a year! In December of last year, I was still trying to make sense of what was happening in my life, but also excited to discover what the future would hold for me. Looking back, I see a year full of pain, deception, faith, revelation, love, laughter, strength, endurance, opportunities, and friendships. As 2024 approaches, I’m looking ahead and hopeful that this year will hold the answers to the many prayers I have patiently waited to ... Read the Post...
Broken…Thankful…Prayerful and Shiny Disco Balls
Someone said to me recently that everyone is broken. At first, it brought a sense of sadness to my heart. But then I thought about it, and maybe that’s true; perhaps we are all broken. What does that even mean? If you look at a disco ball, isn’t it all broken glass that comes together to make one big, beautiful, shiny ball that makes people want to dance? Why can’t all of our brokenness come together to make something beautiful out of our lives? ... Read the Post...
The Gift of Growing Old
The Gift of Growing Old A little over a year ago, after my life turned upside down, it was Thanksgiving, and I traveled to Destin to see my father and tell him my marriage was over. I remember this moment as if it were yesterday. I was hyper-sensitive to life and its uncertainty. I remember looking up at my father as I told him what was happening in my family’s lives and seeing not the young, vibrant person I had grown so accustomed to, but a ... Read the Post...
Imperfect Mothers
I will go out on a limb and say that feeling like an imperfect mother is not new to most moms on most days. After being a mom for over 31 years, I can promise that it is definitely not for me. We carry the weight of perfection on our shoulders as if it were placed there when these children were placed in our womb. We take this role on as if it were the one role in our lives that everything else will measure. I had to learn to see myself as God ... Read the Post...
Single and The Ships… Friendships, Situation-ships, and Relationships
Friendships have always been an essential part of my life. We describe a friend as someone who knows and has a bond of mutual affection, typically exclusive of our family. I have been blessed to have many friends from all walks of life, both men and women. I have done my best to keep those relationships alive and well. That doesn’t always look the same for each one, as they are all unique and have served a purpose in my life. On most days, I ... Read the Post...
Stay The Course
This month my divorce was final. When the judgment came across my email like every other piece of mail, it was sad to think that something was ending and it took me a moment to process that, even though I certainly knew it was coming. I was so blessed to be with some of the many strong, faithful women who have been a solid rock for me to stand on this past year, and the ones that were not with me were reaching out in such a special way to show ... Read the Post...
Finding Forgiveness and Answered Prayers
I have always believed in being true to myself and the life I'm living. Where everything is filtered beyond recognition, including people’s lives, it’s even more important to share the realities of life so that those of us who don’t have all the pretty filters know we are not alone in our journey. My blog, or even my future book, will be my story. The life I've lived is what created my story. Everyone’s story is different. Even those who have ... Read the Post...
Clarity Through the Clouds
Clarity Through the Clouds I’m still on my healing journey, and boy, was this month one for the book. I say book because, throughout my life and spiritual journey, so many of you have said, “You should write a book,” so that is just what I’m going to do. I have so much to share, so many lessons, and so much of my hard-earned wisdom from my mistakes that I hope will spare those of you yet to journey down that path yourself, or if you’ve had the ... Read the Post...
When Is It Okay To Walk Away?
I’m not walking away; I'm accepting reality. Well, isn’t that an excellent way of saying that walking away is okay? But is it okay? Is it what God calls us to do? It goes against the grain of everything I have ever believed. I was raised on the premise... “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” Luke6:31. I understood that to mean, you must give everything your all, and others will do the same. Especially in marriage, you took a ... Read the Post...
Springtime, Making Space for What Matters
Springtime, Making Space for What Matters Spring is upon us. It’s my favorite time of year for a few reasons. Aside from all the beautiful flowers blooming, it’s a time of new beginnings. A time when we should pause for a moment and look outside. What do you see? What brings a smile to your face? Guess what? Those things are always there. They were waiting for you to pause and notice them. This is also a time of Lent. Lent is when we are ... Read the Post...
Birthday Month… what is it all about, anyway?
This month was the infamous Birthday Month! What is that all about, anyway? It’s about taking the past year of your life and recognizing that you have made it another year. It’s about a fresh start and a new chapter. It’s a moment to pause, look back, and decide where you are going next. It’s about sharing your life with the special people chosen to be in yours. It’s about learning from what went wrong, what went right, and what you want to ... Read the Post...
The Beauty in Suffering
The Beauty in Suffering Well, congrats, we made it through January, and I don’t know about you but what a long month for me. Such exciting times for my business. Launching “Nutritious Living with Kim” and finally being equipped to coach clients on nutrition formally and how to live consciously, love more, nurture themselves, sleep more, stress less, and sweat often has been the highlight. It’s been refreshing to focus on ... Read the Post...
From Great Loss Come Faith, Hope, and Love…2023 Here We Come!
From Great Loss Come Faith, Hope, and Love... 2023 Here We Come! As 2022 approached, I felt great about the potential this year held. All three of our boys were doing amazingly well in life. Despite Hurricane Ida and the damage that was done to our oldest son’s home, I relished he was back home to live with us while his house was under renovation and repair. We had just surprised our twin boys with cars on Christmas Day, something my husband ... Read the Post...
Grace in Weakness
Grace in Weakness This is my little family today. I’m so blessed to have each of these souls in my life. But the one right next to me is the one who made the commitment to join me and create this life together 22 years ago. As we marked our 20-year wedding anniversary this year, we were growing into the couple that we both longed to be for most of our life together but could never quite get there. We have joined together to share this blog ... Read the Post...
Everything is Broken… Now What?
Everything is Broken… Now What? At the beginning of this year my life was, for lack of a better definition, a mess. There was a lot of uncertainty in my world. My 19-year marriage was hanging on by a thread. Relationships that I believed would never fail had disappointed me on a level I never imagined or maybe had imagined but still could not believe. Having just sold my business, which was scary enough by itself, the future was uncertain. I ... Read the Post...