For me, a home was always about family. I was an only child until the age of fourteen. I longed for a big house full of family; as an adult, I envisioned that for myself. I set out to make that happen, but such is life and God had other plans. Still, what a beautiful life it has been thus far. I have had some lovely places to lay my head down, from the first home I purchased in my early 20s to this last one I would call my dream home. They were all so unique in each way. The home I affectionately called my dream home, which I am leaving now, was a labor of love that I didn’t think I needed at first, but my now ex-husband wanted. In my effort to do my best to please him and keep him happy in our lives, I agreed, and we built this home about nine years ago. I must admit that it went against everything in my bones to do so, and I say this now as a reminder to always listen to your gut; with that being said, no regrets. Regrets would mean that I learned nothing from all the incredible, sometimes painful lessons God wanted to teach me on this part of my journey.
Unless the Lord builds the house, those who make it labor in vain. Psalm 127:1
But what makes a home a dream home? One might assume that it has all the bells and whistles and custom-built accommodations that my home had, but truthfully, it was the people I got to share this home with, from my boys and our pups to extended family and all of our wonderful friends and clients over the years. Our home was full of family from all walks of life, and I know that in some small way, between the painful times, God was fulfilling my dream of having a house full of family. And, I know, he will continue to fill that home with the same great love for the next family that will have the privilege of living in this home. I know it was no mistake for our paths to cross and the exact time that it did, and I have such peace knowing that they will begin their memories where we left off with prayerfully a better ending to their story. Just another blessing from God through it all.
Blessed are the people to whom such blessings fall! Blessed are the people whose God is the Lord! Psalm 144: 15
March 2001, 23 years ago, I had a month of celebrations leading up to my wedding day on the 31st. In that same month this year, I’ve been packing up all those years of my life and separating it into his and hers. This date will forever be the transition to the end of those 23 years. This year, as God would have it, on the 31st is also Easter, the day we celebrate the resurrection of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. You could say it’s a stark reminder from God about the promises of new beginnings and something so beautiful on the other side of all this pain and loss. I will accept this subtle message from God, but more importantly, I will feel it in my heart and soul as one more attempt by him to lead me to where I am supposed to be going by revealing his meticulous plan in all that is my life.
And behold, Jesus met them and said, “Greetings!” And they came up and took hold of his feet and worshiped him. Matthew 28:9
I am grateful and feel so blessed to have had this house, which was designed and built around the exact moments that we celebrated over these years. But I also know that the house was just the vessel and our home is much more than that. The past nine years were some of the best for my children and along with all the good came some terrible times as well. They would grow in ways that can only happen with God’s grace. In this home, I would discover who I was about to become and learn how to move forward into where I am today. Moving into this home would be the beginning of a time that would change everything, and God’s plan for each of us would develop precisely as he wanted.
But by the grace of God I am what I am, and his grace toward me was not in vain. 1 Corinthians 15: 10
These boys are my true home. No matter what has happened in my life, their love is the one thing that remains constant. They are my greatest accomplishment. They are the ones who have kept me grounded as we have navigated this new chapter in our lives. Their wisdom drives me to find my life’s absolute peace and purpose. I am thankful to God every day because they are more intelligent than me and so resolute in their beliefs. They’ve believed in me in the ways I needed, pushing me through it all. They have trusted me with the decisions that I have faced. Most of all, they’ve given me grace when I haven’t handled things in the best way. I cherish every single moment that I get to have with them. And as we prepared to say goodbye to our dream home, all three boys would come home and grant me this one last photo together on our staircase. I will cherish it and know it matters not what we live in, but it is more about our lives together. When we can share our house with each other, family and friends, that makes our house a home.
By wisdom a house is built, and by understanding it is established; Proverbs 24:3
On this Easter, I pray that each of you knows what God gave up for you and you can see the beauty in what lies ahead and the promises of a better tomorrow. As my home has always been, I hope you will fill yours with love, laughter, and family. I also pray that you recognize a house is just a house, but a home is what you make it. As always, if you are ever in need or struggling to make sense of your life, please know there is always a seat at my dining room table, where you will find an espresso martini, a few tears, maybe some sarcasm, and lots of Jesus. Together with faith and prayer, we can figure it all out. Please reach out if you ever need to. Until then, see you next month.
Much Love and Blessings,
I’m sure this post was made by both laughter and tears. Wishing you the best in the future.
Thank you 🙏🏻
Love you. Will be there for you always. Happy Easter. Am thankful for having you in my life. And spending this day with
You and the family.. ❤️
Love you more.
You inspire me Kim. I know it’s hard . It suck’s but god has a plan. Keep being you.
Awe, thank you, and you inspire me as well.
What a wonderful post. You are right where you need to be. Let go and let God. Happy Easter!
Thank you and you too.