I’m typically writing my blog in real-time, sharing what is happening in my life right now and this month was all about the “Birthday Month”. I started the “Birthday Month” many years ago as more of a tongue-in-cheek month. Let’s face it: most of us think, “Really, do you need an entire month to celebrate your birthday?” Cue the eye rolls. But I have always been so grateful for every moment I’m blessed to be here, so why not celebrate the entire month? And being born on the last day of the month with a bonus day every seven years is just an added reason to celebrate. I know God put me here for His purposes, so each year, I continue to serve Him and it’s a birthday blessing that I want to shout to the world. Hence, the “Birthday Month” has become a month of sharing gratitude, life lessons, faith, friendships, and fun. And boy, I had a lot of that this month!
Upon you I have leaned from before my birth; you are he who took me from my mother’s womb. My praise is continually of you. Psalm 71
As I walk into this next year of my life, I’m walking in with a sense of who I am and, truthfully, who I always was but would somehow get detoured by my innate need to want a life for others that they never really wanted for themselves. I have spent the better part of my life giving up the best parts of myself for people who were never worthy. I created images and an impossible reality, but my constant positive outlook and faith would prevent me from seeing the truth right before me. I would repeat that cycle on and on to keep up the image I thought would eventually come to fruition. One might think, well, there you go, and say, “That’s why I’m a realist,” but please don’t, because surrounding all the dark times is this unique and beautiful life before me. It has been a journey filled with moments of pain, but the love and beauty outweighs that a hundred times over. I never like to look back, but unfortunately, I have had to take a peek back to move through and forward. As I journey back, I thank God for never giving up on me, for being steadfast in my life, and for showering me with blessings beyond my comprehension through all the trials and pain. His love and the love He showed me with my children, family, and friends has endured.
Give thanks to the Lord of lords, for his steadfast love endures forever; Psalm 136
With much prayer and discernment, I’ve discovered over this past year that God chooses those of us who He knows will share their testimony and whose testimony will affect the ones who need to hear it the most. This year, as I’ve written my blog diligently each month, the sheer number of readers has truly overwhelmed me. The amount of you, strangers that have become friends, who have walked up to me, even in public bathrooms, to say, “Thank you, I felt that in my soul, and because of you, I know I’m going to be okay.” has been so humbling. As some of you know, I’m working on my book about what God has given me throughout my life, and I will say that the book has caused quite a stir in my personal life. As I move forward with my writing, I would just like to say that throughout my life, from childhood till now, I have never considered myself a victim of circumstances. Nor am I a bitter ex-wife trying to muddy the waters for anyone who played some role in my life. That’s not who I am, nor who I have ever been. I’m merely a woman telling her story from her point of view. I’ve experienced deception, heartbreak, broken homes, and loss. I have faced many personal and professional trials in my life. I have not been perfect, nor will I ever claim to be, honestly I have failed more than I have succeeded. And in this book, you will see why. One thing I have been is forgiving and honest in my journey. I have done my best to remain faithful and strong. The only people I hope to make proud are God and my children, and so far, all are in the stands rooting for me, so that is all that matters.
Blessed are those who keep his testimonies, who seek him with their whole heart, Psalm 119
For the longest time in my life, I have tried to make sense of everything, but I know now that there is no sense to be made that is of my understanding, only faith to be had in what God has planned for me. My purpose has been determined and yet to unfold, so I must faithfully walk on the path that He has set out for me. There are no checklists to complete, but just moments in this life that I will take in and continue to move through learning from and adjusting my course accordingly. My job is to love, be kind, feel and enjoy the brief moments that are so often overlooked. I will open my heart, be present, and embrace the journey ahead. There is so much beauty to be found right where I am. Instead of finding yourself, the focus should be on remembering who you truly are, who you were destined to be. The blessings you receive are your passion, fire, hope, and desire to live each moment to its fullest and to love with all your heart.
Blessed are the people to whom such blessings fall! Blessed are the people whose God is the Lord! Psalm 144
As for you and your testimonies, I am thrilled to announce a platform that I will launch soon, and I hope you will join me as my guest in sharing your life’s journey, if for no other reason than to let someone else know they are not alone in theirs. I will launch the “Kim Munoz” Podcast, where we will share the beauty in the messiness of life with a bit of sarcasm, some espresso martinis, and a lot of Jesus. This podcast will be about all things: life, family, work, friendships, faith, and love. Finding the beauty in life, with a bit of sarcasm, maybe a few tears, lots of laughs, espresso martinis, and a lot of Jesus. Hopefully, life lessons that will inspire you and move you in ways that only real life and vulnerability can and, maybe, just maybe, bring you closer to Jesus.
The Spirit himself bears witness with our spirit that we are children of God, Romans 8
I pray that when it’s your “Birthday Month,” you can find all the beauty in your journey that carries you through the year ahead. You will have learned the lessons, taken in all the blessings, and are ready to move forward with your open heart. And as always, if you are ever in need or struggling to make sense of your life, please know there is always a seat at my dining room table, where you will find an espresso martini, a few tears, maybe some sarcasm, and lots of Jesus. Together with faith and prayer, we can figure it all out. Please don’t hesitate to reach out if you ever need it. Until then, see you next month.
And to the little girl in this photo, you will experience so much. A life full of love and a life with much heartbreak. But In the end, you will be okay because through it all Jesus will be by your side and He will not fail you. I love you Shorty.
Much Love and Blessings,
Can’t wait for the podcast my friend!! 😘
Yes yes and yes!!!!
All glory to God!!!
God is raising up his people to encourage and equip others. We pray, we listen, we obey!!!
The Lord has stirred and placed in me also this year to use social media to encourage and share about his love, forgiveness, and faithfulness through scheduled lives with guest. Maybe our paths will cross and you can join me to encourage others. . He also inspired me to write a book which I am in the process.
God bless and keep you and work in and through you!!
Yes yes and yes!!!!
All glory to God!!!
God is raising up his people to encourage and equip others. We pray, we listen, we obey!!!
The Lord has stirred and placed in me also this year to use social media to encourage and share about his love, forgiveness, and faithfulness through scheduled lives with guest. Maybe our paths will cross and you can join me to encourage others. . He also inspired me to write a book which I am in the process.
God bless and keep you and work in and through you!!
Love this for you and knew many years ago God crossed our paths for a reason. 🙏🏻
How touching to open my email and there you are , Kim. After I moved back to FL from NOLA, I lost touch with you, but our sessions left a big impact on me. I will look forward to following up with your podcast. And thank you for bringing me back to Jesus during our time together❤️
I’m so happy you are back in FL, where I know you love to be. I miss your face. I hope you are doing well, and thank you so much for your support.