So, this month is a month of two for our family. I will write two separate blogs this month. I’ve spent the last twenty-one years keeping my twins bonded, with few things separating them, but this month, I wanted to share who they each are. And because, from the beginning, he has been my patient baby, I will begin with number three. If you know me, are a reader of my blog, or follow me on social media, you know my children are everything about my life that was right and good. But what you don’t know is who they are and what they have given me as a mother, besides a few headaches and some sleepless nights. I wanted to share these gifts from God because when I tell you they changed the course of my life; I am not exaggerating. They changed everything about me and who I would ultimately become.
You formed my inward parts; you knitted me together in my mother’s womb. Psalm 139: 13
As a mother, you want your children to find their way. I’ve never cared if my kids made straight A’s, had degrees or were successful. All I’ve ever wanted for them was to discover what they loved and become passionate about and do it to the best of their ability—to love their lives. To center their life around God and their faith and to be productive people in this world. I knew from my life experiences that if they can do that, everything else will fall into place. When I discovered I was having twins, I was at the peak of my career; sadly, it was my world. After finding myself alone and on bedrest early in my pregnancy, I suddenly became clear about what was important in my life. From that moment on, my life would change. It was one of those pivotal moments where God shakes you up and refocuses you on what he wants for your life. I thank Him for that every day because my path from that point forward would allow me to have this front-row seat to watch Jordan and the rest of my boys figure all of this out, and my goodness, what a ride it has been and continues to be.
He has blocked my ways with blocks of stones and made my paths crooked. Lamentations 3:9
Jordan has, at times, found himself in the shadows with two older brothers. With a twin brother in particular, it can be a constant comparison that I’m not sure many could endure with as much grace as he has over these years. I’ve watched him take it on the chin throughout his life, and he taught me a lot about patience and love. Then, to top it off, as often is the case with boys, the competition in our home was palpable. These things would be a recipe for a tough time, but this child would never waiver from stepping out of his comfort zone, being himself, loving his brothers, smiling through it all, and never giving up on the things that meant the most to him. He cares so much, and even though that can lead to heartbreak, he never wavers from that, and I love that about him. I hope he remains true to himself despite the challenges and trials thrown his way by this world.
But let him ask in faith, with no doubting, for the one who doubts is like a wave of the sea driven and tossed by the wind. James 1:6
This month, in this picture, a boy is becoming a man. In his professional life, he has most certainly found his way. Watching him find his passion and work harder than I have ever seen him work reassures me that he is precisely where he is meant to be in his life. The lives he is touching right now are too many to count, and that he is twenty-one and just getting started is the blessing only a mother can pray for. He has found his way, and while he still has a few things to figure out, I know he has faith, and I pray he continues to await God’s plans to unfold patiently. His plans are greater than ours, and I’m sure Jordan’s life has a bigger purpose than even I or he can imagine and pray for. God creates us and attaches us to His purpose.
Man’s heart plans his way, but the Lord establishes his steps. Proverbs 16:9
Jordan Matthew Munoz, first, let me say that I can not for one second believe we are here. It’s impossible that twenty-one years ago, you were about to enter this world reluctantly. I smile as I type that because, at the time, one of two things was happening: either you weren’t quite ready, or Maxwell pushed you out of the way so he could come out first. After being your mother for all these years, I will sum up that I believe it was a bit of both. From the time you were born, you were my patient baby. Without giving me an ounce of trouble, you always patiently waited for me to finish with the not-so-patient baby. You made it incredibly easy to have twins. While you were very serious, you always watched me and everyone around you intently, as if independently trying to figure things out. You would take it all in and then never forget what you learned. You never hesitated to take chances and your brother often encouraged you to go first, to which you always agreed without hesitation. I’m so proud that these personality traits have stood the test of time with you and that, at some point, you began to smile at everything. For anyone who meets you today, your signature smile is the first thing they see and remember about you; even amid some painful times in your life, you still smile. I love this very disarming quality of yours that, in part, you inherited from your father, and it is one of the many reasons you are so successful. Don’t stop smiling, sweet boy, for your life is unique, and you, my sweet baby burrito, still have many lives to touch.
By this we know that we love the children of God, when we love God and obey his commandments. 1 John 5: 2
April will be a month of celebration of not only me surviving twenty-one years of being a mother of twins, but more importantly, all that those twins have given me in their twenty-one-years of life. The lessons and God’s gifts to the likes of nothing I would have ever received without them in my life, I will never have enough gratitude for. I hope you can recognize the beauty of the gifts from God, no matter who has been a blessing in your life, whether they are children, friends, family, or strangers. As always, if you are ever in need or struggling to make sense out of your life, please know that there is always a seat at my dining room table, where you will find an espresso martini (on the rocks, wink), a few tears, maybe some sarcasm and lots of Jesus. Together with faith and prayer, we can figure it all out. Please reach out if the need arises. Until then, see you later this month.
Much Love and Blessings,
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