I’m not walking away; I'm accepting reality. Well, isn’t that an excellent way of saying that walking away is okay? But is it okay? Is it what God calls us to do? It goes against the grain of everything I have ever believed. I was raised on the premise... “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” Luke6:31. I understood that to mean, you must give everything your all, and others will do the same. Especially in marriage, you took a ... Read the Post...
Springtime, Making Space for What Matters
Springtime, Making Space for What Matters Spring is upon us. It’s my favorite time of year for a few reasons. Aside from all the beautiful flowers blooming, it’s a time of new beginnings. A time when we should pause for a moment and look outside. What do you see? What brings a smile to your face? Guess what? Those things are always there. They were waiting for you to pause and notice them. This is also a time of Lent. Lent is when we are ... Read the Post...
Birthday Month… what is it all about, anyway?
This month was the infamous Birthday Month! What is that all about, anyway? It’s about taking the past year of your life and recognizing that you have made it another year. It’s about a fresh start and a new chapter. It’s a moment to pause, look back, and decide where you are going next. It’s about sharing your life with the special people chosen to be in yours. It’s about learning from what went wrong, what went right, and what you want to ... Read the Post...
The Beauty in Suffering
The Beauty in Suffering Well, congrats, we made it through January, and I don’t know about you but what a long month for me. Such exciting times for my business. Launching “Nutritious Living with Kim” and finally being equipped to coach clients on nutrition formally and how to live consciously, love more, nurture themselves, sleep more, stress less, and sweat often has been the highlight. It’s been refreshing to focus on ... Read the Post...