Courage is the power to let go of something familiar. Currently, these words resonate with me more than ever. The past few years have been some of the most challenging but also meaningful in terms of self-discovery. As I approached and then hit my 50’s, everything about my life quit making sense. I found myself alone more than ever before. Jamie was traveling – a lot. Don’t get me wrong, I was so excited for him and the professional journey he ... Read the Post...
Bye Lucy…Hello Faith, Trust, and Belief
“Extra.” It’s what all the kids are saying these days, and to say the Munoz family summer was “extra” is no exaggeration, to say the least. The season was full of amazing highlights coupled with some “never in an a million years” moments. It’s funny how one can be so certain and optimistic when guiding others through a tough time, but heeding your own advice, that’s a different story. During trying times, you really get to see what ... Read the Post...
I’m a cheer mom! But wait I have boys…how the heck did this happen?
Our family is a sports family through and through. NO really, if it’s not on ESPN, then it’s not news, and it’s not being followed. We don’t miss ballgames of any sort. Every sporting season is a part of our life. Sports equipment is a permanent fixture in our home. With three boys, my husband making four, testosterone is at an all time high in this house. And although each boy in my home has had to at one point or another, make a ... Read the Post...
Moving the World….
Did you know that nurses eat their young? It’s true. When you graduate from nursing school and pass your boards, you go out into the big world of medicine, and your mentors are simply salivating, waiting for you to stumble and fall so they can gobble you up. At least that’s how it feels as a new nurse. Until you prove yourself, you aren’t one of them. It’s the most daunting experience of your life. Not only are your fellow nurses ... Read the Post...